Anansi's Tapestry of Lives: 110 NPCs, 40 items, 20 side quests, 70 locations & more
Created by NeverEnding, Inc
Don't miss your golden opportunity to experience tabletop gaming like never before! Anansi's Tapestry of Lives is packed with unparalleled tools and resources that will take your Dungeons & Dragons 5E (or other TTRPG) gaming sessions to the next level. Backed by over 1,300 players, DMs, and GMs, our Kickstarter campaign was a smashing success. Now, it's your chance to reap the benefits at a remarkable discount!
Anansi's Tapestry of Lives: Immerse yourself and your players in a universe brimming with 110 unique and indispensable NPCs to enliven your world. That's not all, it also features a treasure trove of magical items, side quests and more. While compatible with 5E, this resource is a remarkable addition to any tabletop roleplaying game.
Anansi's Journal of Common Places: Step into 70 meticulously detailed locations, each harboring their own concealed secrets waiting to be discovered. These are the overlooked places your regular adventure books don't cover. Whether your players stumble into the castle kitchen or want to know what the inside of their rented carriage look like, these location description help you easily add another level of immersion.
VoxStoria Web App: So much of an NPCs mood and personality is communicated by voice. With our app, you don't just read about the NPC's, you listen to them too! Featuring professionally voice acted introductory monologues, these loveable misfits help bring your world to life.
Choose from a plethora of bundles to find the one that fits your gaming needs and your budget. Act swiftly as the pre-order store won't be open for long. Grab this opportunity and prepare yourself for an unforgettable gaming experience at a great discount. Once these limited-time bundles vanish, they're gone for good! Happy gaming!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Stretch Goal Unlocked! More Magic Items. Next Stretch Goal: Custom D20
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 06:40:51 PM
STRETCH GOAL ULOCKED! We're adding Five More Magic Items to the book.
We'll also compile all the magic items items into a separate PDF "minibook."
All the magic items will still appear in Anansi's Tapestry of Lives, alongside the related NPC. However, you'll also be able to quickly reference them in this new separate PDF!
Next Stretch Goal: A Free D20 at $65k
All our backers who pledge for a tier with physical products (or who have physical product add-ons) will get a custom D20. It's a regular sized version of the Sky God's Giant D20.
Intangible Masters (all digital), we haven't forgotten about you! When this stretch goal unlocks, we'll add the three digital wall papers of the Anansi cover art to your pledge!
Overgrown Garden
Because I'm not yet ready to break a trend of sharing art, here's the in-progress version of the overgrown garden!
Like many of our locations in Anansi's Journal of Common Places, the overgrown garden is written to be useable in just about any campaign with any adventure or NPC. However, it's also written to support a specific NPC from Anansi's Tapestry of Lives. In this case, Auspice!
Yes, we do know that technically she should be an "Abbess." We'll make that change before finalizing her write up.
How might Auspice and her overgrown garden make an appearance in your campaign?
- Jamie
Thank you, Matt Mercer. Plus, Extra Early Access! (and more art drops)
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 05:17:55 AM
If you follow us on Twitter (which you should, ha ha), you may have seen that Matthew Mercer from Critical Role gave a shout out for Anansi's Tapestry of Lives.
It was a nice surprise! I want to say thank you to Matt, and also thank you to all the fans and friends of the show, and others who pledged today, and who will pledge in the coming weeks. We're happy to have you supporting us. I can't wait for your feedback AND to deliver you an amazing bunch of tools!
Extra Early Access!
I know that often there's a long lead time between the end of the Kickstarter and the release of the content. I'm so grateful to you, all of our supporters, that we're going to do something that is maybe a bit different.
If you've pledged at the Intangible Master (all digital) tier or above (e.g. Local Legend, Weaver of Destiny, Demigod-Wielder of Fate) we'll be sharing our early draft material with you, so you can start using all this fantastic content right away! We'll also invite you to our Discord, and give you access to a special channel where you can give feedback. We'll even offer a few AMAs with some of the writers and VO actors. So consider bumping up to Intangible Master, Local Legend or Wielder of Fate if you haven't.
I'm too tired to update all the pledge images tonight, but I wanted to let you know!
"Cementerio de la Luna"(cemetery at night)
We first previewed the work in progress image in Update #6. Before I show the latest version, I want you to see the original sketch. Kinda spooky!
Part of the lore for this location is that every time a resident of the town is buried in the cemetery, their face later appears in the mural. We wanted the mural to feel less spooky and more celebratory, as well as reflect the colorful style we sometimes see in Mexican street murals.
Here's our latest version.
We'll likely add some elements to reduce the cartoonish nature of the faces a little, but this definitely feels "celebratory" to me. What do you think about the image?
Thank you again for all your support! I appreciate you.
- Jamie
Two New Voices Added To The NPC Voices App
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 02:10:52 PM
We've added two more NPCs and their voices to the NPC Voices App mockup.
You can access the NPC voices app on our Kickstarter page, under the NPC Voices description.
Keep in mind, this is just a basic Alpha we pulled together so you can get a feel for the app and listen to some of the voice overs. The finished version will be more polished. We even have a stretch goal, where we'll add the functionality allowing you to add your own notes to an NPC, as well as upload your own NPCs!
That said, we'd love feedback and your ideas. I want to make sure we make this fun and useful for you.
Go have a listen to Sinclair the pirate and Xarietta the fortune teller.
Even More FREE Content???
We're completing some edits on an updated sample PDF. This one adds a couple more NPCs and another adventure.
Yes, I know you've already backed and so I don't technically NEED to give you more content while the campaign is running but... this stuff is so good, I really want to share it with you all!
I'll announce in the comments when the new PDF is uploaded. We'll also include it in the update that evening. I can't wait to hear who your favorite NPCs is.
If you have a favorite so far, I'd love to hear about it in the comments!
- Jamie
Stretch Goal Unlocked: 5 magic item evolutions! Plus, check out this art!
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 12:42:24 AM
You've unlocked another stretch goal!
We're upgrading 5 of the magic items in the book with an evolution. These evolutions keep your items fresh and interesting. And it's like adding 5 new items to the book!
The next goal is less than $8,000 away! Spread the word!
Next up: 5 More Magic Items. And a "minibook."
When we unlock the next stretch goal at $56k, we'll have enough magic items to compile them in their very own PDF. You'll get this "minibook" FREE with The Anansi's Tapestry of Lives PDF. All the items will still appear in the main book next to the relevant NPC description. We just duplicate and compile those items into the minibook, as a useful secondary tool. The goal is to make your life simpler, so you're not hunting through 320+ pages or an appendix for the magic item you want to gift a player or use in your campaign.
Mountain Lake Location (now in color)
In Update #6 we shared this sketch of the mountain lake location.
We got some feedback, so I want to show off our next iteration.Now in color!
We still have some rendering to do, but you can see some beautiful progress. Tell us what you think in the comments.
Thank you again for your support. We appreciate you spreading the word in your socials, discords, reddit - everywhere!
- Jamie
Sneak Peek: Anansi's Journal of Common Places Sketches!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 03:36:29 PM
We're super excited about all the unique and interesting NPCs in Anansi's Tapestry of Lives. They've got great stories and they're going to add some fantastic depth to your games. Your players will be thrilled!
I also wanted to highlight Anansi's Journal of Common Places, and share a little art we're working on.
One of our writers, DeAngelo Murillo, wrote the location: "Cementerio de la Luna"(or cemetery at night).
Anansi's Journal of Common Places is all about providing you and your players with distinct, highly-flavorful and fun locations. This Hispanic themed take on a cemetery checks ALL those boxes!
We want to share a special Sneak Peak preview of our early work in progress.
I can't wait until this is done!
Here's another sneak peak: an early sketch for a stunning mountain lake. What do you think? A or B?
I love the fog coming up off the water.
If you haven't looked at our mini-preview PDF, come on back to the Kickstarter page and download it!
Almost 500 Backers! And almost to our next Stretch Goal!
Please keep sharing and telling your friends!
A Project by our Friends at Awfully Queer Heroes
Selanar's Socketed Items is a 5e and Pathfinder compatible module.
It is designed as an option to magically enhance your equipment and items, specifically tailored to your characters. Flexible enough that low level characters can afford it and have custom gear but also that high level are not overpowered and break the game.
This module is only £7 (about $8.50 US) for exceptional quality and repeated fun.