Surveys on Track for December 20!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 08, 2022 at 12:52:10 AM
We've submitted everything to Backerkit for approval. Assuming there are no issues, surveys for Anansi's Tapestry of Lives should go out December 20 as planned!
Please note, we are not charging shipping in this round of surveys. We're waiting to finalize print production costs and ensure we have accurate shipping weights, so we can get you the lowest shipping possible!
Please reach out with any questions. I'm here to help!
- Jamie
Timeline! And other updates.
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 08:33:08 PM
Hi, everyone! We've been hard at work wrangling writers and trying to get a chunk of the digital content ready for you all.
I initially thought we could get you early access in November. Unfortunately, our editor was (temporarily) pulled into another project and the individual who was building out everything in Backerkit has been dealing with some recurring health challenges.
Our editor is coming back on board next week, and I'm stepping in to finish up Backerkit, asap
I apologize for the delay. I'm confident this will only effect delivery of early access materials and not our overall product timeline.
Our updated timeline
Backerkit smoke test (make sure everything works) 12/13.
Backerkit messages go out delivering first phase of early access materials: 12/20
We expect the early access PDF will have over 200 pages.
We'll send updates in chunks.
Still targeting delivery of the complete project, including physical rewards in May.
NPC Voices App News
Several backers reached out, asking if they'd be able to include their own NPCs in the app. I can confidently say that you will be able to do that!
In addition we have two other companies that are interested in including NPCs form their properties into the app. To provide you the most value possible, we're building out the app so it will be a marketplace, where not only are NPCs will be available, but also high quality content form others.
Reach out here or at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or anything else!
We'll have some more art and other updates shortly!
Late Pledges Coming Saturday! Reminder on some projects form our friends!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 12:26:55 PM
Hi, wonderful backers!!! My goal is to have Late Pledges set up by Saturday, November 5.
We'll also have a bit more info about our timeline and when you can get early access in that Saturday update!
In the meantime, just another quick shoutout to some really fantastic projects by some of our friends. Support if you can, please hype if you can't!
Apocalypse – 17 Hours Left
The Complete Game Master's Guide to Ending the World. Lowest pledge $20
Heroes & Hardships – 18 Hours Left
A Universal RPG System using d10 dice pools that supports any genre. With hundreds of options, create any character you can imagine. Lowest pledge $20
Torrents of the Spellhoarder – 6 Days Left
A high-level DnD 5e adventure and setting in the underwater kingdom of A'rvanshy and the dragon Isles of Xantharos. Lowest pledge $20
The Creators Guide to Epic Locations – Nature – 6 Days Left
Quick on the fly reference tables and step-by-step creation tips, tricks and guides for every type of natural location imaginable! Lowest Pledge $24
Hunter’s Full Moon Trilogy (5e) – 7 Days Left
A Book with Three Fantasy Adventures set in the Wild. 160 Pages Filled with Exciting Quests, Dangerous Beasts and Unique Lore (DnD/RPG). Lowest Pledge $6 or $12
Kids on Bikes: Second Edition – 8 Days Left
The kids are back… in this adventurous, pick-up-and-play, all ages role playing game. Lowest Pledge $25
Masters, Minions and Tactics: a 5th Edition Supplement – 16 Days Left
A revised & expanded version of Masters and Minions, featuring new Masters and a focus on tactics. Made for GMs by GMs! Lowest Pledge $20
One-shot Dungeons for 5E - Vol.3 – 17 Days Left
A mini campaign of 5 ready-to-play one-shots, full of poems, bravery, broken hearts, and nostalgia. Lowest Pledge $3
The Quintessential Guide to Monster Encounters – 21 Days Left
A complete guide to building, adapting and running monster encounters. Tell a story with each fight and keep your players engaged! Lowest Pledge $20
FUNDED! What's Next! Plus some projects from our friends!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 12:07:40 AM
We Did It! YOU Did It!
I apologize for the delay in writing this update. On Thursday, the day the campaign ended, I was in the air travelling to Big Bad Con. It’s a fantastic convention with fantastic people, and you should check it out next year.
It’s been a full couple of days, but I snuck away to say thank you to all our incredible, amazing, fantastic supporters. So grateful for what you are allowing us to accomplish.
Late Pledges/Pledge Manager
Late pledges will be available in just a few days. We’re working through some internal decisions between Backerkit and GameFound. If you have feelings/thoughts about either platform, I’m happy to hear them. Either comment or message me!
Whatever platform we use; you’ll be able to add things or upgrade your pledgees until we close the pledge manager.
Physical Book Delivery
Physical book delivery is scheduled for May 2023. There’s always the potential for delays, however, our goal is to beat that delivery date. We’re aiming to print in Europe, because if the book is printed and shipped within the EU, VAT is lower for our EU backers.
As a reminder, shipping will be collected through the pledge manager. Working with Nord Games for North American fulfillment and GamesQuest for other fulfillment, means we’ll be in expert hands at a VERY reasonable price.
Early Access and Digital Delivery
If you backed at the $68 Intangible Mater tier or higher, within the next month you’ll receive a message getting you early access to the content. To ensure you get access in a timely way, I strongly encourage you to join our Discord server if you can.
If you don’t have early access, we anticipate you getting access to your digital copies in April. We’ve added a LOT of content to the book, and we have a lot of content already written that still needs editing, polishing, and playtesting. We’ll keep you all in the loop throughout the process.
Thank you again for the amazing support! If you have questions, comments, ideas, etc – I’m always happy to have you reach out.
Over the next few days, we’re going to be saying thank you to some of the other campaigns that shouted us out by shouting Them out to you. We’re a community that grows best together, so I urge you to check out these fantastic projects. Support if you can and hype them if you can’t support. :)
Here’s a quick summary of our friends who promoted us in the final hours! Look for more on their projects over the coming days.
Check These Projects Out!
Dungeons and Dimwits - Issue 1 – 1 Day Left
Imagine all the insane stuff that happens during your TTRPG games, put into one amazing comic! Lowest Pledge $8
Apocalypse – 4 Days Left
The Complete Game Master's Guide to Ending the World. Lowest pledge $20
Heroes & Hardships – 4 Days Left
A Universal RPG System using d10 dice pools that supports any genre. With hundreds of options, create any character you can imagine. Lowest pledge $20
Torrents of the Spellhoarder – 10 Days Left
A high-level DnD 5e adventure and setting in the underwater kingdom of A'rvanshy and the dragon Isles of Xantharos. Lowest pledge $20
The Creators Guide to Epic Locations – Nature – 10 Days Left
Quick on the fly reference tables and step-by-step creation tips, tricks and guides for every type of natural location imaginable! Lowest Pledge $24
Hunter’s Full Moon Trilogy (5e) – 11 Days Left
A Book with Three Fantasy Adventures set in the Wild. 160 Pages Filled with Exciting Quests, Dangerous Beasts and Unique Lore (DnD/RPG). Lowest Pledge $6 or $12
Kids on Bikes: Second Edition – 12 Days Left
The kids are back… in this adventurous, pick-up-and-play, all ages role playing game. Lowest Pledge $25
Masters, Minions and Tactics: a 5th Edition Supplement – 20 Days Left
A revised & expanded version of Masters and Minions, featuring new Masters and a focus on tactics. Made for GMs by GMs! Lowest Pledge $20
One-shot Dungeons for 5E - Vol.3 – 21 Days Left
A mini campaign of 5 ready-to-play one-shots, full of poems, bravery, broken hearts, and nostalgia. Lowest Pledge $3
The Quintessential Guide to Monster Encounters – 26 Days Left
A complete guide to building, adapting and running monster encounters. Tell a story with each fight and keep your players engaged! Lowest Pledge $20
Final Stretch Goal Unlocked!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 01:04:02 AM
We're adding 2 NPCs, each with their own side quest!
We've also unlocked enough side quests (OVER 20!) that we can compile them and any creatures into a handy-dandy mini-book. All the adventures will still appear in the main book, but this extra PDF makes it even easier to reference and use them in your games.
I'm literally about to board my flight! But I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the support and making Anansi's Tapestry of Lives, the Journal of Common Places, the NPC Voices App, and all these amazing tools and content a possibility. You're going to love all this stuff!
- Jamie