
Anansi's Tapestry of Lives: 110 NPCs, 40 items, 20 side quests, 70 locations & more

Created by NeverEnding, Inc

Don't miss your golden opportunity to experience tabletop gaming like never before! Anansi's Tapestry of Lives is packed with unparalleled tools and resources that will take your Dungeons & Dragons 5E (or other TTRPG) gaming sessions to the next level. Backed by over 1,300 players, DMs, and GMs, our Kickstarter campaign was a smashing success. Now, it's your chance to reap the benefits at a remarkable discount! Anansi's Tapestry of Lives: Immerse yourself and your players in a universe brimming with 110 unique and indispensable NPCs to enliven your world. That's not all, it also features a treasure trove of magical items, side quests and more. While compatible with 5E, this resource is a remarkable addition to any tabletop roleplaying game. Anansi's Journal of Common Places: Step into 70 meticulously detailed locations, each harboring their own concealed secrets waiting to be discovered. These are the overlooked places your regular adventure books don't cover. Whether your players stumble into the castle kitchen or want to know what the inside of their rented carriage look like, these location description help you easily add another level of immersion. VoxStoria Web App: So much of an NPCs mood and personality is communicated by voice. With our app, you don't just read about the NPC's, you listen to them too! Featuring professionally voice acted introductory monologues, these loveable misfits help bring your world to life. Choose from a plethora of bundles to find the one that fits your gaming needs and your budget. Act swiftly as the pre-order store won't be open for long. Grab this opportunity and prepare yourself for an unforgettable gaming experience at a great discount. Once these limited-time bundles vanish, they're gone for good! Happy gaming!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year! Content Update + Backerkit Reminder
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 05, 2023 at 12:16:40 PM

In addition to a quick update, I wanted to wish you a Very Happy New Year. The last couple of years have been really difficult for a lot of people. If you've been having a rough time - I'm rooting for you, and believing that 2023 will be better for you and the people you care for than 2022 was.

Content Update

We've been hard at work editing pages so they can get over to layout and wrangling writers, so we have enough content to make the early release worthwhile for you. To that end, check out this quick video that scrolls through some of the pages! 

You'll see some blank white pages with an NPC name and the word placeholder. Those are, as you'd suspect, placeholders for pages we're waiting to get back from layout. Once we get those, we'll be ready to share the early (and incomplete) version of the book book through Backerkit along with a number of VTT tokens (if you your pledge or pledge + add-ons is at the $68 level or higher). As a thank you for investing in Anansi's, you'll be able to start using some of these fantastic NPCs in your games sooner.

Forgive the sub par video quality. I just wanted to get something out to you quickly.

We'll also be happy for any feedback on the NPCs. We'll listen to all the feedback and make adjustments to improve the book at every opportunity. We also recognize that some people might like what others dislike, so we'll make the best decisions we can around potential content changes/edits. 

Custom NPCs

We'll be reaching out to Backers at the Thief of the Sky and Sky God's Revenge reward tiers next week, to begin coordinating the creation of their custom NPCs.

Backerkit Surveys

About 80% of our backers have completed the survey. If you can't find your survey link, please email me at [email protected] so I can resend it to you. (also check your spam :P)

Pre-order Store

Our pre-order store is live on Backerkit. If you're willing to share the link online and give us a shout  out, thank you! We want to get Anansi's in even more hands, and any help from you is appreciated.

Thank you again for your support. And stay tuned for more great content coming your way!

- Jamie

Backer surveys went out!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 04:17:50 PM

You should have received our backer survey! Message me if you did not or email [email protected] (just be sure to check your spam first).

Also, if you saw that you should have the PDF for Anansi's Journal of Common Places in your pledge, and it wasn't there - that should be fixed now. We just had a minor SKU mix up. Thank you to the couple of folks who pointed it out!

Let us know if you have questions or if I can help in any way!

- Jamie

Backer survey smoke test sent, and what should we name the app?
over 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 03:32:04 AM

Just sent surveys to 5% of backers from each pledge level.

This allows us to test out the surveys and pledge manager and ensure everything is clear and working smoothly! If you get the survey form Backerkit, please reply ASAP.  We need a certain number of responses before we send out all of the survey.

We're trying out different names for the NPC Voices App

So it isn't Quite so generic (and in case we decide to add, i don't know... locations and magic items with VO descriptions?)

Here are some names we're toying around with:

  • VoxStoria
  • StoryVita
  • FabulaStoria

It would be great to get your opinion! Comment below or head over to the Twitter poll.

Pre-0rder Store is Open

So, if you have friends, family, enemies who missed the original campaign, let them know they now have another chance to back it! We'll have the pledge levels listed as purchasable items until February 28. Then we'll likely remove those. This will give us time to finalize numbers with the printers.

After February 28, new backers will still be able to purchase individual items at the add-on price, but the huge discounts of a backer pledge level will be gone for good!

Reach out with any questions! Thank you again!

- Jamie

Surveys on Track for December 20!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 08, 2022 at 12:52:10 AM

We've submitted everything to Backerkit for approval. Assuming there are no issues, surveys for Anansi's Tapestry of Lives should go out December 20 as planned!

Please note, we are not charging shipping in this round of surveys. We're waiting to finalize print production costs and ensure we have accurate shipping weights, so we can get you the lowest shipping possible! 

Please reach out with any questions. I'm here to help!

- Jamie

Timeline! And other updates.
over 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 08:33:08 PM

Hi, everyone! We've been hard at work wrangling writers and trying to get a chunk of the digital content ready for you all.

I initially thought we could get you early access in November. Unfortunately, our editor was (temporarily) pulled into another project and the individual who was building out everything in Backerkit has been dealing with some recurring health challenges. 

Our editor is coming back on board next week, and I'm stepping in to finish up Backerkit, asap

I apologize for the delay. I'm confident this will only effect delivery of early access materials and not our overall product timeline.

Our updated timeline

Backerkit smoke test (make sure everything works) 12/13.

Backerkit messages go out delivering first phase of early access materials: 12/20

We expect the early access PDF will have over 200 pages.

We'll send updates in chunks.

Still targeting delivery of the complete project, including physical rewards in May.

NPC Voices App News

Several backers reached out, asking if they'd be able to include their own NPCs in the app.  I can confidently say that you will be able to do that!

In addition we have two other companies that are interested in including NPCs form their properties into the app.  To provide you the most value possible, we're building out the app so it will be a marketplace, where not only are NPCs will be available, but also high quality content form others.

Reach out here or at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or anything else!

We'll have some more art and other updates shortly!